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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Half Empty wins GRAND PRIZE and other stuff

Hello again!
Its been a fun week, filled with an award, a concert, a day of filming, an Army Wives audition, fun times, some quality Futbol action, and some good movies!  

Once again, its Thursday and I'm bartending at The River Rat.  If you are wondering how the Front St. Improvement is going, come down and have a beer. They are digging up the old pipes right in front of our bar today.  The project seems to moving along, which is good because I'm tired of all these fences n' things in my way when I'm out drinking.  They are supposed done in April, that being only six weeks away I do not think that's going to happen.

"Half Empty" ended up winning the Grand Prize at the AMFT Virtual Movie Festival!! Congratulations Cast/Crew, you all made this happen!  Directors Troy, Marcus, and myself are headed up to New York City to collect our winnings next week.  So far, the film was an official selection at Cucalorus Film Festival in Wilmington, NC,  a recipient of an Award of Merit at The Accolade Competition In La Jolla, CA, and the Grand Prize at AMFT Virtual Movie Fest.  If you are gonna be around New York on the 24th, come check us out!  This is definitely a step in the right direction for our plan on continuing to enter more festivals, and secure distribution.

Our recent golf joke, "The Women's Tee" starring Matt McHugh  and Ben Swilley has become a viral sensation since its posting a couple weeks ago.  Over the past week it has quickly jumped from around 1,000 views to well over 10,000!!!  Thanks to Troy Carlton, Clint Allen, Tony Morin, Ritchie Nannini, Scott Frye, Mateo Arnold, Matt and Ben, Wilmington Municipal Golf Course, and of course that joke site we use.

In addition to being an actor,  Matt McHugh is the tour manager with Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad  on their recent tour.  The tour is with SOJA and John Brown's Body, and it made its way to Wilmington, NC on Valentine's Day.  Thanks to Matt, I was able to get down there early and get the licensing for SOJA's song "Be Aware", that we used in "Half Empty". Thanks again SOJA, you guys rule!  I came back later as a VIP guest of the bands, and had a great time (maybe a little too much).

Monday and Tuesday my computer at the office wasn't working, so I stayed home.  I got to watch some qaulity UEFA matches, do work, and watch some great movies.  The highlight of which was, "Severance" a smart Horror/Comedy that I loved!  Clint and I have continued working on a budget/plan for "Equal Verdicts", and have a conference call tomorrow to discuss script revisions, etc.  Wednesday, I went out my agent's office for an audition. I will hopefully be playing the part of Sgt. Douglas Fletcher.  I think it went well, but ya' never know.  I then headed to Mott's Channel Seafood in Wrightsville Beach, NC to shoot an intro for a new comedy cooking show called "Swede and The Pope of Pasta".

Swede, The Pope, Troy Carlton, Scott Frye, and others have given me the honor of being the Finder of all things random and funny.  When they want something random or funny, I get it.  For this intro, they needed hot, lesbian ingredient girls, and some docks to film on.  Thanks to Megan Leigh Henry, Cheyenne Carson and Gene at Mott's Seafood they got just what they were looking for.  It was a great shoot with a fun group of people, and I'm happy to be a part of it.  I cant wait to see it!

Hey you should become my fan on Facebook to check out my Acting photos, videos and updates. Do it (Please?)!!!  My Lowe's commercial with Jimmy Johnson is airing somewhere starting March 1st, so look for me on your TV.

Until next time, keep it really, real Jobens!

Michael L. Kuhn

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